It's Now time for the Highly Anticipated Interview with Iceland KicK A$$ band Steed Lord this is A DIRTY MUTHA edition interview ...
So what's going on with Steed Lord these days:
Everything man!! We are in our studio now finishing our debut album here in Iceland that will be released this summer. We also just finished the "DIRTY MUTHA EP" which is dropping in a wireless hood near you, late april! With remixes by our friends and fellow ballers (Crookers from Italy, DJ Mehdi from Ed Banger, Triple Zut from France and Mano from Chicago) !! International Dirty Muthaz ! So go cop it on iTunes when it drops! We are always touring the world and we LUUUUV IT ! We are touring Scandinavia, UK and Switzerland in April and Germany in May! Then we are doing a BIG ASS OFFICIAL TOUR IN THE USA in july!
What is Steed Lord M.O. and HOw did the Steed Lord saga begin:
It all started with one beat that dEmo gave Kali for her birthday feb 2006. She wrote a monster song to it and it became our first joint "You," and thats how it all began. The week after that we wrote Dirty Mutha 3:00 am on a wednesday and we felt something weird in the air, what we felt was Steed Lord. The rest is history, now we live and breath this shit :)
So where could iFind you guys on a Fri. Sat. Nite when your Not on Tour:
You can catch us at the studio cookin that new crack music !!! If we are not making music then we are out partying or hangin out. And if there is a blizzard outside we are throwing a secret pizza party at the Steed Lord HQ or doing some new designs or watching old "GUMBY" movies, that´s 80´s horror, skate or sci fi movies being blasted until 6am in the morning. We almost never sleep.
Quick question , who gets the biggest following of Ladies in the group , we know who has the Gents (Kali) ha!
Haha... You know them girls love AC's tattoos and shit. But since dEmo is the young single cat in the group he´s the one getting all the booty!
KaLi , how is being the Madam of the group must bE. A very demanding Position of Power ?
I love these guys, M.E.G.A is my boyfriend and has been since the mid 90´s so I´ve known these boys for over a decade now...I used to babysit dEmo when he was little and I used to give AC advice about girls.So sometimes I feel like the mama in the band.I´ve always been a bit of a tomboy too and I can relate to guys very well.When you are around these guys you can just be exactly who you are.I wouldn´t wanna be anywhere else right now.
What are you guys eating over there in New Crack City (sushi) ?
A lot of organic food, but we also love fast food ,always sushi and we drink a lot of Iceland tap water. The best in the world. It has healing powers, no joke.
I read sumem about A Steed Lord + H&M clothing Collab. Please do explain hommies ...
Yes we were approached by H&M to do designs for was a major honor for us and a bit crazy to be designing for such a huge company! Our clothing line hit over 120 stores in over
52 countries and has been selling out all over the world! We have had so many fans and people sending us photos of them rockin our stuff (check our myspace album) and also our H&M designs have been in hotspots like Teen Vogue and now just last week on Americas Next Top Model.... its nuts :)
Speaking of Collaborations iGotta ask do you guy's ever ponder about Steed Lord + other Famou$ Artist Collabos:
Famous or not we love to collaborate with artist that we respect and love. We just recently wrote a song with Crookers for their album. Crookers are amazingly talented dudes from Italy and we also did a collabo with Kali´s brother Krummi on the track "Bucket of Blood" that will be on our debut album. We will be doing a collabo with 3x DMC Champion DJ Klever from Atlanta this summer and other cool cats that we can not speak of now.
Do you Prefer the 80'z or early 90'z as far as Fashion and iGuess music too whiLe I'm at it ?
both. we love 80s and 90s sportwear. yeah and offcourse all the early 90s stuff is GUMBY! But we blend it all..doesn't matter from what decade its from...we all have our own individual styles that we blend from our own inspirations.
Steed Lord 2010 where do you see yourselves ?
wow! 2010 sounds so futuristic, but its only 2 years from now! It will be the Steed Lord 2010: Space Crunk Odyssey !!! We will be finishing album number 3 and touring the world hopefully. we are truly blessed today to be able to tour and showcase our music in different places and we thank the lord for that. The Steed Lord clothing line will also be available in a hood near you !!!!!

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