FinaLLy iGot a moment to sit and chat with the
Infamous Miso of FKU. If you haven't heard of Miso
or the FKU Epidemic then STOP the Bitch Assness ...
So First off How are you Miso:
I can't complain, its a beautiful day outside and I had a cupcake today!
How did you Aquire the Name Miso Is that like a
child hood name given to you by Big Mama:
ha ha... nooooowa. Miso actually was given to me by my
FKU partner in crime. FKU moment during my first time
eating sushi.
Of course a lot of Gents would love to know how
could they land a chance to wine and dine such
a self driven Model/CEO lady like yourself:
lol..honestly, add more hours to the day. there isn't enough time and lately i've been getting stuck with weirdos sooooooooo i've decided that i'd much rather spend my time doing things that are productive. Must add to this... ANY GUY WHO CAN BAKE A GOOD CUPCAKE!!!!
Off the Record , Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama:
Lately you have been popping up aLL over the Modeling Scene and bearing it aLL may iAdd hmm ...
My body is gorgeous and if I was a guy I'd love to see me in it. I look good right? I used to be so awkward when I was a teenager. Believe it or not I felt too skinny. I finally started gaining a little weight and hit the gym and now I love it so I wanna show it off.
Is Miso A Giver or Reciever:
Both...lol...great to give and even better to receive!!!!
Let's talk about this FKU movement , for aLL the In The Box Folks explain what FKU truly is:
YAY!!!! Finally...otay for all you lovely ladies n gentz if you don't truly know me... I AM A FAT KID AT HEART!!!! I model and I am small but I love to eat so FKU is a movement for all us young, fliii, dope fresh 2 def people that love cakes n cookiez hence ... FatKidsUnited = FKU. We are in noooo way at all poking fun at anyone. You can be fresh as a size 0 or 12. FKU is a way for us all to unite as one and show how dopefresh2def we all are!
Is there a ReLease date set for the Clothing Line:
I wish... Im really hoping to atleast have a few shirts ready for the summer time.
Hmm ... Inquiring minds wanna Know what
exactly Get's Miso off (what are some of your interests) for aLL you Gutter minded foLks loL:
hmmmm what gets Miso off.....Cold Stone Creamery, Krispy Kreme doughnuts (when the FRESH sign is on), CUPCAKES!!! Besides food there is doing photoshoots, shopping, going out with friends or just sitting in the house playing with Dino (my yorkie).
What are some of Miso Goals for the near future , as iF you don't have enough on your plate:
Right now all my goals are focused on modeling and the FKU line. I am working on being featured in a national magazine by the end of this year. Definately plan on pushing the FKU line. I am learning that it takes alot to come out with a successful clothing line so I apologize if it's taking longer than expected but FKU must be DOPEFRESH2DEF. We won't settle for less.
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